I share a text chain with a close friend that has brought 4 people from far reaching backgrounds/viewpoints together. I rarely comment on social/political matters as too often people allow emotions to escalate a conversation into an argument, a fight....a war. Our chain dove into the Rittenhouse trial and I'm sharing your essay with them as it encapsulates the final question I had for them...who is our current day MLK?

It has to be each and every one of us

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Always good to hear you, Sean. I’m fighting this awful feeling that this is not a good time to be living in. Mostly as I’m raising nine year olds. All they’ve remembered is the disrespect and violence. Our neighbor down the street has a plethora of flags, Trump as Rambo, standing on a tank, holding an automatic weapon, an upside down flag, Fuck Biden. We walk past this house everyday to school. I have perspective, they don’t know any different. I know we live in a great country. I just hope my kids can see the better parts over time.

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